How to Find Your Pilates Community Online

finding a pilates community

Joining an online Pilates community can make a big difference in your fitness journey, especially if you do it at home. If you find yourself doing Pilates solo, we have some ideas on how you can engage with others.

Key Takeaways:

  • The emotional and motivational support you get from a community can significantly improve your Pilates routine.
  • A Pilates group doesn’t need to be large. It can be a small group of friends.
  • The app is one of the best ways to find a Pilates group in your local area.

The Places Where You Can Find A Pilates Community

Exploring social media platforms

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok can be quite powerful as a supportive community. Through them, you can gain additional insights to improve yourself.

On Instagram, you can find profiles dedicated to Pilates using hashtags like #PilatesCommunity, #PilatesLove, #PilatesAustralia, and #PilatesInstructor. Following and engaging with these accounts can help you become part of the conversation.

instagram pilates community

Instagram is more of a visual community.

Facebook offers a more interactive experience through groups created by instructors and enthusiasts. You can find these groups by searching for terms like "Pilates Group" or "Pilates Support" in the Facebook search bar. 

TikTok is also a growing platform for Pilates creators who share quick tips, routines, and motivational quotes. Following these creators and participating in trends or challenges can be a fun way to engage with the community.

Joining online forums 

Remember that online forums and communities dedicated to Pilates are great for in-depth discussions and sharing information. For example, on Reddit, you can find the r/Pilates subreddit, where members talk about everything from technique to equipment reviews. Participating in these forums can give you various perspectives and advice.

reddit pilates group

Reddits r/pilates group.

There are also specialised Pilates forums linked to studios or fitness websites. These forums usually have organised discussions and may include resources like articles, videos, and Q&A sessions with instructors. 

Virtual Pilates classes and subscriptions

Virtual Pilates classes and mobile app services are becoming more popular. They offer convenient access to high-quality instruction from home. Platforms like Pilates Anytime, Glo, and Alo Moves provide many classes for different levels.

Most of these online class environments have communities where you can communicate with like-minded people.

Finding local online groups

Try connecting with local groups online. You can find them on social media or websites like It's a great way to build both virtual and in-person connections.

Engaging with influencers and instructors

Last on our list is to find Pilates influencers and instructors on social media that you find appealing in some way.

Influencers often share their workout routines, and modifications for different skill levels, and also provide a lot of motivation. Liking, commenting, and sharing their posts can help you feel connected and part of their community.

Creating Your Own Online Pilates Group

If you can't find a group that suits you, consider starting your online Pilates community. Starting a group lets you create your desired community and build a supportive network.

First, choose a platform that works for you, like Facebook Groups, WhatsApp, or a forum website. Invite friends, family, and anyone else who's into Pilates. Share your group on social media and ask members to invite others.

It doesn’t have to be a big group either. It could literally be two or three friends where you can perform Pilates together on a regular basis.

Why a Pilates Community Matters

Joining a supportive Pilates community can make a big difference. 

One great benefit is the emotional support you get. Connecting with others who love Pilates can inspire and motivate you, making it easier to stick to your Pilates routine. Plus, being part of a community means you can get helpful feedback and tips to improve your technique and avoid injuries.

Another significant advantage is that you can learn a lot from others. Whether they're fellow Pilates enthusiasts or experienced instructors, their knowledge can help you discover new exercises and modifications to make certain exercises easier or more challenging.

Also, being part of a Pilates community can help hold you accountable. Knowing that others expect to see you in class or online discussions can motivate you to keep up with your practice. This is especially true if you do Pilates at home.

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 Create Home Pilates Studio
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