Why More Men Should Do Pilates: Key Benefits and Reasons

mens pilates benefits

Key Takeaways:

  • Men make up only about 25% of the Pilates studio class.
  • Most men do Pilates for its full-body, low-impact nature and for increased flexibility.
  • Pilates is a great add-on to your training program if you play a demanding sport.
  • Strengthening your lower back and core will help to alleviate discomfort and improve posture.

7 Reasons Why Men Should Do Pilates

If one or more of the reasons below apply to you, you should check out our Pilates guide for men and check out our men's Pilates socks range.

1. Your core strength and stability will improve

Pilates offers a significant advantage by focusing on core strength. In fact, almost all Pilates exercises are designed to engage your core.

Pilates targets not just the abs but also the entire trunk, including the lower back, hips, and pelvic floor. Building strength in these areas is important for men as it improves overall body stability and posture and reduces the risk of injury. 

A strong core is fundamental for almost all movements, whether weightlifting, participating in sports, or carrying out daily tasks.

2. Flexibility and range of motion

Men commonly overlook the importance of flexibility in their workout routines, even though it plays a significant role in their overall physical health. This is especially true for guys who solely do weights in the gym and nothing else.

Pilates is a form of exercise that emphasises stretching and lengthening muscles. This will naturally contribute to a notable increase in flexibility and the capacity to move joints through their complete range of motion. The hip flexors are an excellent example.

3. An improved sex life

You might not know this, but Pilates will have a positive impact on sexual performance in several ways. 

Focusing on strengthening the core and stabilising the pelvic floor can improve control and endurance. Additionally, enhanced flexibility and range of motion can contribute to more comfortable and varied sexual positions through Pilates. 

4. Injury prevention and rehabilitation

Pilates is often used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings due to its low-impact nature and emphasis on precise, controlled movements. It can be very valuable for men recovering from injuries or looking to prevent them. 

But Pilates shouldn’t be seen as an exercise that solely helps people with injuries. If you are like me, over 40 and playing a sport, Pilates can greatly reduce the risk of injury. 

5. Enhanced mental focus and stress reduction

Pilates offers not only physical but also mental health benefits. 

If you have done Pilates for some time before, then you know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the feeling of calmness, clarity, and zen after your workout. 

By emphasising controlled breathing, concentration, and coordination, Pilates can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity. It can also provide a calming and grounding influence for men leading busy lives or facing stress management challenges. The mind-body connection fostered by Pilates can enhance concentration and promote well-being, both during and after sessions.

6. Improved athletic performance

Many professional athletes, including football players, basketball stars, and even golfers, have incorporated Pilates into their training routines. 

The reason is simple: Pilates enhances functional movement, which is critical for athletic performance. 

It improves balance, coordination, and agility, which can translate to better performance on the field or court. 

Moreover, the increased flexibility and core strength gained from Pilates can give athletes a competitive edge by reducing the risk of injury and improving recovery times.

It’s all good news, isn’t it?

7. It’s a full-body workout

Pilates is a full-body workout that emphasises the engagement of multiple muscle groups simultaneously. 

Unlike traditional weightlifting, which tends to isolate individual muscles, Pilates promotes overall muscle development especially the muscles that are often forgotten about. This can lead to a more proportionate physique and reduce the risk of muscular imbalances that may result in injuries or posture problems.

Men Should Consider Pilates If They…

Pilates is beneficial for all individuals, and there are particular reasons why some men could find it especially advantageous. If you belong to any of the following groups, Pilates could be precisely what your exercise regimen requires.

Experience back pain or discomfort

Chronic back pain is a common issue for many individuals, particularly for men who spend extended periods sitting at a desk or engaging in heavy lifting. Pilates, a form of exercise that focuses on core strength and spinal alignment, has the potential to alleviate existing discomfort and prevent future back problems by strengthening the muscles that support the spine.

You play a physically demanding sport

Individuals participating in high-impact sports such as football, rugby, or basketball are exposed to significant stress and the risk of injury. 

Pilates can mitigate these risks by improving flexibility, balance, and core strength. These are crucial for maintaining stability and agility during high-intensity activities and can potentially reduce the likelihood of strains, sprains, or other injuries.

You want a low-impact workout

Pilates is a valuable option for those seeking an effective yet not overly intense workout. This type of exercise is particularly beneficial for men recovering from injuries or those who prefer a gentler approach to fitness without compromising results.

You want to improve your posture

Moreover, Pilates focuses on enhancing posture by emphasizing spinal alignment and core strength, addressing postural imbalances, especially for individuals who spend prolonged hours sitting or working at a computer.

The Popularity of Men’s Pilates

While Pilates has traditionally been associated with women, there's a growing trend of men embracing the practice. This shift is partly due to increased awareness of the benefits that Pilates offers, particularly in the realm of sports and rehabilitation. 

As more male athletes and fitness enthusiasts recognise the advantages of Pilates, its popularity among men continues to rise.

Do Male Athletes Do Pilates?

Pilates has increasingly become an integral part of training regimens for many male athletes across various sports. There are plenty of male athletes that incorporate Pilates as part of their overall training program

Lebron James, Christiano Ronaldo, and Andy Murray are to name a few. 

Embracing this practice offers numerous benefits, including enhanced athletic performance and reduced risk of injury, making it a valuable asset for amateur and professional athletes.

How Guys Can Get Started

Interested in incorporating Pilates into your fitness routine? The good news is that Pilates is accessible to everyone, regardless of fitness level. Here's how you can get started:

1. Look for your local Pilates studio

Consider attending a class at a local studio. Search for studios offering classes for beginners or men. Participating in a class with a qualified instructor will ensure that you perform exercises correctly, maximising benefits and reducing the risk of injury.

2. Try a private session

If you're new to Pilates or feel hesitant to join a group class, consider booking a private session with a certified instructor. This allows for personalised attention and the opportunity to learn at your own pace, which can be beneficial if you have specific fitness goals or existing injuries.

3. There are plenty of online resources

For those who prefer working out at home or have limited access to local studios, there are various online communities available for Pilates practice such as mobile apps and popular YouTube channels.

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