7 Tips and Tricks To Stay Motivated with Pilates

Pilates motivation

I know, it gets hard to keep going, especially during winter. However, there are a few easy things you can do to stay engaged and keep up with your Pilates routine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Doing a Pilates class before work in the morning is a great way to get it out of the way and commence your day. 
  • Setting goals and tracking your progress toward them is a good way to capture motivation.
  • Going solo can be difficult. Find a friend who enjoys Pilates as well.

Why Staying Motivated with Pilates is Important

It's important to stay motivated when practising Pilates to benefit fully from this complete workout. 

Pilates focuses on gradually developing strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness; it takes time to notice results. This long-term commitment can challenge your determination, but maintaining motivation ensures steady progress toward your fitness objectives. 

If you stop doing Pilates, even for a week, the results will take longer to achieve. It will also be harder to get back into it. 

Regular practice helps sustain muscle balance and flexibility, which are essential for avoiding injuries. Furthermore, staying dedicated to your Pilates routine nurtures discipline and a sense of accomplishment, which can have a positive impact on other aspects of your life.

Our Easy Ways To Keep You Motivated

Tip #1 - Set yourself goals

Remember to set clear and achievable goals to stay motivated with Pilates. 

Goals give you something to work towards and help you measure your progress over time. Start by deciding what you want to achieve with your Pilates practice, whether it's improving your core strength, enhancing your flexibility, or reducing stress. Having a specific goal will give you a sense of direction and inform you how many Pilates classes you should attend.

Short-term goals, like mastering a particular Pilates move or attending a set number of weekly classes, provide immediate targets to aim for. These can be stepping stones to your long-term objectives, such as achieving a more toned physique or maintaining a regular practice for a year. 

You could even write down your goals and place them somewhere visible, like your workout space or fridge, to remind yourself of your purpose.

Tip #2 - Workout in the morning before you do anything else

Saturdays and Sundays are when I grab my crew grip socks and head over to do reformer Pilates early in the morning. It’s a great way to start the day, and you don’t have to worry about it. Plus, you feel a lot better, and it helps create a positive mindset for the rest of the day.

Admittedly, going to a class in the morning is not for everybody. So, the rest of this article can point you in the right direction.

Related: Best Pilates quotes to keep you motivated.

Tip #3 - Set out your workout space

Creating a designated exercise area can significantly boost your motivation if you Pilates at home. It says “this space is for Pilates only, and when I’m within it, I focus solely on doing Pilates”.

Creating a home space dedicated to Pilates has two important aspects. Firstly, the space needs to have the ideal aura or ambience so you can zone in (or zone out, depending on how you look at it) and focus on your workout.

Secondly, you need to have enough space. Even the best Pilates reformer machines aren’t the most compact, and you also need to consider space for mats and stretching. 

Tip #4 - Go with a friend

One of the most powerful and enjoyable tips is finding a friend to go to classes. This will be a major motivational factor.

In addition to being a social catchup, a workout partner can offer accountability, encouragement, and a feeling of camaraderie, which can enhance your Pilates sessions. Committing to exercise with someone else makes you less likely to miss sessions because of the shared responsibility to show up.

If you can't find a local exercise partner, consider joining virtual classes or Pilates apps or online communities. Many online platforms provide live classes where you can engage with other participants, fostering a sense of connection and support, even from a distance.

Tip #5 - Start a Pilates log

Keeping a Pilates log is an effective way to stay motivated and track your progress. Recording details such as the date, duration, type of workout, and any specific exercises or challenges you faced can help you stay focused on your goals and provide a sense of accomplishment as you see your progress over time. 

Reviewing your log regularly can help you identify patterns, celebrate achievements, and adjust your routine. For example, if you couldn’t last 1 minute doing The Hundreds in the first week but wrote in your log that you achieved that in the second month, then that’s incredibly motivating.

Tip #6 - Choose your favourite exercises

Remember to include your favourite workouts in your Pilates routine to boost your motivation. Incorporate Pilates exercises that make you feel strong, flexible, and refreshed while also trying new movements to keep things interesting. 

It’s okay to adjust a routine to what you want. Customising it with your preferred exercises can help you maintain a positive mindset and stay motivated.

Related: 20 Interesting Facts About Pilates.

Tip #7 - Join a community

Becoming a member of a Pilates community can provide a strong support network and boost your determination. Whether it's a physical class, an online discussion group, or a social media community, being part of a group allows you to engage with individuals with similar interests in Pilates.

Being part of a community also helps you remain responsible. When others anticipate your presence at a class or online, you are more likely to attend and stay dedicated to your practice. The feeling of belonging and solidarity from being part of a community can significantly increase your motivation and overall satisfaction with Pilates.

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